Saturday, February 7, 2009

What a great day to run!!

I could not have asked for better conditions for running today - the ground was moist, air temperature was in the mid forties....PERFECT. Today, I got back to my Saturday long run routine. My goal was to run 11 miles, no matter how sore my knees and legs would get. Thankfully, all the stretching and long runs must be paying off because I felt much better with this run than I did with the 9 1/2 mile jaunt two weeks ago. One main reason may be that I didn't feel the need to vomit the entire run, like I had prior. The reason being is that I did not drink any Ensure. You see, my boss, whom is training for the 50 miler told me that he drinks Ensure when he runs because it is a quick way to consume calories. So, I figured I would give it a try. Well, I don't know how he does it. That liquid meal replacement takes FOREVER to digest, not to mention the privilege of having the runner's trots afterward. Hence, this week I decided to forgo the milky beverage and stick to GU and Gatorade. What a difference. I think I could have kept running, if I wasn't afraid of stepping up my mileage too quickly. Well, to date, I have logged almost 112 miles, which equates to roughly 2.95 miles per day. At this pace I should reach my goal with room to spare. HOORAY!!!

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