Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Voting Season

Well, we are less than one week from voting again, and I have an ambivalent attitude toward most of the candidates. I do know that I will vote for Prop. 1, which will provide funding to the Utah Museum of Natural History. The family and I went there last weekend and saw how run-down the building is, and Stacy and I would like to see an upgrade for our children. I am not here to discuss my polictical view, but would like to bring up a topic that could be viewed quite differently in our kids' generation, depending how voting goes next week in California.

In California Prop. 19 has been introduce, which will legalize marijuana for the state. I was reading an article last night from Newsweek that discusses how more conservatives are jumping onboard its legalization. The article discusses a devote Catholic woman who was a strong opponent against legalization, until her son suffered a severe spinal injury, and marijuana was one of the only drugs that helped him function. Well, her son ultimately started a school in California, "Oaksterdam University", that is devoted to studying pot, and is now a millionaire. Anyhow, I just thought I would bring up the topic and find out people's opinions on the subject of legalization because I am curious to see what unfolds in our lifetime and be able to look back on this post and see if any thoughts come to fruition.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Right to Life

So, I am in my final quarter of graduate school. For a class I am currently taking I have been given a writing assignment of advocating for the Governer of Nebraska in an on-going debate about whether to provide prenatal healthcare to undocumented immigrants. The governer is taking the position that all illegal immegrants should not have access to any resources since they are in the country illegally. Conversely, the pro-life advocates are taking the stance that a child born in the U.S. is considered a legal citizen regardless of his/her parent's status, and thus prenatal care should be provided to decrease costs associated with premature births and other varing ailments. Well, the intent of my post is not to discuss my assignment, but to put forth the question of, how can someone not be pro-life? Here is a brief description of what is done to an unborn child..."second and third trimester abortions utilize an instrument with sharp metal jaws to grasp parts of the child's body, tear it away from the uterine wall, and the child's head must be crushed." This is of course from an article from someone taking a biased pro-life stance. However, having two children of my own, I cannot fathom doing this to what I consider to be a living person. Maybe may view is obscure, however, if you have been to any doctor's appointments and seen your child's heartbeat, could you envision doing those things to said child? I doubt not. Anyway, this is my rant for the day because I could not stop thinking about the article.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Drastic Change

This morning I did something drastic...I deactivated my facebook account. The last few days I have pondered doing this, and it hit me, why do I waste so much time reading other people's status when I could be writing about my life or my family's? If I were to look back on life ten or twenty years from now, would I really remember anything that was posted on facebook? My answer is, not likely. Thus, I decided I would spend more time blogging and creating memories that my family and I can look back on years later. While some people may ask, why not do both? My answer to this question is...because it will take too much time away from my family and doing something meaningful with my life. For example, I was reading posts on facebook prior to deactivation, and noticed that I continually see posts from the same people, and the posts are usually ubiquitous and quite dull in all honesty. I am not trying to sound like an ass, but too many people spend too much of their life posting about life's mundane events, instead of doing something worthwhile. I find it diffiult to believe that these same people are going to be pleased with their choices later in life when they finally realize how much time was wasted posting on facebook or reading about other's memories instead of making their own. Hence, I am trying to be more proactive, and make changes so I do not become that person. So, look out blogspot, you will be seeing much more of me in the future.